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Brida Pact Page 11

  Poppy asked him how many children he wanted to have and his response had been sweet when he said, “The number you bless me with will be the perfect amount.” Soon their discussions led to touching and touching led to some heavy petting and full-body kisses but that was as far as it went. Wheaton and Poppy had decided to wait until they were positive their match was permanent before having full intercourse. Wheaton had not been too enthusiastic about the decision but grudgingly admitted it made sense. Poppy was no longer taking her birth control pills, and risking a pregnancy when they were still feeling each other out seemed too risky.

  Thinking back on the past few weeks and smiling to herself, Poppy realized how much she already cared about him. She was positive that Wheaton was “it” for her and she was anxious to call Pixie and run some stuff by her. Pixie tended to be the thinker of the sisters, something that Poppy had used for her benefit when it came to relationships.

  Anxious now for her call to her sister, she got the screen ready. Setting up the com units had actually been a harder thing to do than either one of them had figured. They required special permission via a Council vote to contact Earth. Final decision was that the Council would allow “calls” as long as they were monitored. Poppy was unsure what they thought might be said but she wasn’t going to ask too many questions considering she had gotten her way.

  Seeing Pixie’s face fill the screen made Poppy tear up.

  “ET, phone home. ET, phone home,” Pixie deadpanned.

  “You’re so stupid, Pix,” Poppy said with a smile.

  “Damn, Pops, I’ve missed you! You look great, by the way. I assume the humidity is controlled up there, considering that’s the best I’ve ever seen your hair behave.”

  “Ha!” Poppy snorted. “Sometimes you’re such a bish. I’ve missed you too.” Poppy grinned into the screen.

  “Seriously, is everything going well with Mr. Tall, Dark and Green? Do we need a code word in case I need to hijack a ship and head your way for a jailbreak?” Pixie whispered while covering one side of her mouth, as if that would make their conversation private.

  “Everything is going really well. I’m happy and Wheaton is great. We had a couple speed bumps the first few days but that’s been worked out…it’s actually really great right now. We talk all the time and I’ve decided I’m staying,” she blurted out in one gust of air.

  Wow, Poppy realized that saying it out loud wasn’t as scary as she imagined. She really was happy. And she couldn’t imagine being this happy without Wheaton. She didn’t want to say that her happiness hinged on him but she knew that he was the main reason she was happy. His smiles, laughter and touch had become addictive.

  Pixie sat with an expression on her face that was hard to read. Poppy couldn’t yet tell if she was happy or sad at the decision.

  “So you’re staying, huh?” Pixie asked.

  “Yes, Pix, I think I’m in love with him,” Poppy said softly.

  Pixie looked as if she might cry. Poppy shifted her eyes away from the screen. If one cried then the other wasn’t close behind and she didn’t want to be sad about her decision.

  “I could tell this was coming, Pops.” Poppy glanced back at the screen to a smiling Pixie, who was now wiping her eyes.

  “Really? You’re not mad?” Poppy asked, trying to read her sister’s expression.

  “How can I be mad? All I want is for you to be happy and from everything you’ve told me over the last couple weeks you are definitely happy. I’ve never seen you this happy before, Poppy. Truly. I’m very happy for you, I promise,” Pixie said in a voice Poppy could tell was serious.

  “Now, on to the most important question…” Pixie got on her serious face.

  “What?” Poppy asked.

  “Have you guys done the nasty yet?” Pixie asked with a laugh and a lecherous leer.

  “Ummm…not yet. But I think it’s coming soon. I’m ready and I know he’s ready. We’ve just been trying to take things slowly.” Poppy paused, noticing Pixie was eating a bag of chips. “Everything okay with you, Pix? You only eat junk food when you’re stressed out,” she asked, nodding to the bag her sister was holding.

  “Yeah, just work shit. Brenda is fucking everything up and I’ve had to spend a lot of extra hours at work fixing her mistakes. You know I don’t want to fire her, we’re old friends, so I’m super tired. Add to that Brian being a dick lately isn’t helping. I was hoping to tell you I was engaged with this call, but he didn’t propose on our anniversary so I owe you ten bucks for losing that bet.” Pixie frowned and dug deeper into the bag of chips.

  “Sorry, babe, that sucks. He will though. I remember you said he was working on the plans for a new building and was stressed with work too. Did he at least take you out for a nice dinner?”

  Pixie rolled her eyes. “Yeah, we went out but it was to that Chinese place. The place which, by the way, I am now totally sick of.”

  “Yeah, I can see that getting old really quick. Did he get you flowers or anything?” Poppy felt like maybe she was digging to find something good that Brian had done but there was a high probability he had totally schmucked out.

  “Don’t you remember, sis? Flowers are a waste of money,” Pixie said in a deep voice, imitating her boyfriend, who had indeed, apparently managed to screw up their anniversary.

  “Well shit, Pix. I got nothing. I thought he would have done something special, even if it was small.” Poppy was disappointed on behalf of her sister.

  “Oh, but he did,” Pixie said sarcastically. “He got me a gift card so I can get new work clothes at that posh place on the Plaza. You remember the one where I can’t fit into anything in the store unless we are talking about earrings or socks.” Pixie raised one eyebrow, showing how pissed-off it must have made her.

  “Well…maybe you both need a vacation?” Poppy suggested, trying to change the subject before she witnessed her sister losing her shit.

  “Meh, nobody on Earth has time to take a vacation, Pops. I couldn’t imagine leaving work right now. Nobody would get paid and the place would probably burn down if I left for more than twenty-four hours…” Pixie seemed as if she were at her wits’ end but was trying to shake it off. “Time for a subject change before I go crazy. Let’s talk about something that everyone wants to know. Give me the nekkid details on Big, Buff and Galactic.”

  When Pixie waggled her eyebrows like a lunatic, Poppy burst out laughing.

  “Damn, Pix, I miss you,” she said, her tone serious, once she could stop laughing.

  “So, no details? That’s not very nice. We’re sisters. Sisters are supposed to share everything. Just hold up the fingers of how many inches you are getting in this deal. Give me something! I need to live through you since I haven’t had any with Brian for the last month.” Pixie held out her hands as if she were measuring. “This much? This much? Dear god, Poppy, if my hands get any farther apart, I’m going to tell them you may need medical attention when you finally give him a chance at your pants.”

  “Jesus, Pix, I’m not telling you. I will tell you that he is blessed. Very, very, very blessed.” She smiled and wiggled her own eyebrows.

  “Oh my god, don’t do the wiggle. You look ridiculous. Only I can pull that off,” Pixie said with a giggle.

  After the girls chatted for a bit longer about random daily happenings, they were interrupted when Poppy heard the door swish open.

  “I’ll let you go now, Pix. Wheaton is home. Call you later, okay?”

  “Sure thing, chicken wing, and really…I am very happy for you.”

  “Thanks, Pix. I’m happy for me too. Now to tell my big guy.” Smiling at her sister who was grinning back at her, Poppy felt calm and ready to face Wheaton.

  “Love you. Muuuwahh.” Pixie waved and then disappeared.

  Turning to greet Wheaton with a smile, Poppy saw immediately he was upset. He had a “tell” when he was upset, and right now it was glaringly obvious.

  “Wheaton, what’s wrong?”

w do you always know when something is wrong?” he asked, getting a drink from the kitchenette.

  “You clench your jaw really hard and I can see the vein pop up in your forehead…and don’t change the subject. What happened?” Pixie walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around him from behind.

  Letting out a big sigh, Wheaton said, “We have to put a halt on bride collection for a bit and the warriors who have not been selected are upset. I am worried we may have a riot soon if the cause does not get resolved quickly.” Turning in her arms, he hugged her back. “Did you have a nice talk with your sister?” he asked, hoping to distract her.

  Poppy stared at Wheaton for a few moments in silence. She could tell what he was trying to do. She studied his face, hoping he would open up about his Council work at some point. He was always so secretive it was starting to drive her nuts. Poppy figured he dealt with things during the Council meetings that she wouldn’t understand but she would feel better if he at least tried to let her into that part of his life.

  “That was another subject change. Why is there a problem with getting more brides? Maybe I can help,” Poppy suggested.

  “This is nothing you can help to do. It is technical.”

  He dismissed her offer so offhandedly she instantly felt her hackles rise.

  “Wheaton, look at me. I’m not useless. I’ve read all my books, listened to all my music over and over and will slowly go crazy if I don’t get to do something around here. And I will take you with me if that happens. Tell me what’s happening.” Tapping her toes with her hands on her hips, Poppy stood waiting for him to open up, even just a little bit.

  “I cannot talk about it right now, Poppy. It is classified…but when I am able I will let you know what is happening. There was nothing more for me to do in the meetings today so I decided to spend the afternoon with you. Did you want to play that game again with the little hat and money? I am going to win this time—I still believe you cheated,” he teased, seeming anxious to change the subject.

  Knowing that he had successfully distracted her, she smacked his arm.

  “I did not cheat at Monopoly! You just had bad luck with the dice.”

  “I will still be watching you closely. How was your talk with your sister?” He knew how much she enjoyed her vid sessions with Pixie and sometimes Val.

  “Well, it went really well. I actually told her I was staying,” she blurted out. Hoping he was on the same page as her with their relationship, she held her breath, waiting for his reaction.

  “Thank your god!” he yelled, hugging her tightly. “I have been waiting for you to tell me your decision.”

  “So, you’re happy? You want me to stay as much as I want to stay?” Poppy hated that she sounded so unsure of herself but this was an either-go-big-or-go-home moment.

  Smiling at her, Wheaton cupped her cheeks. “I want you to stay so much, Poppy! You have made me happier than I can ever remember being these past cycles. I have a hard time imagining my mornings without our kisses and cannot imagine what I would do without your presence in my life.”

  She bit her lip in nervousness. “I was actually thinking we could…maybe we could…you know since we’ve decided I’m staying.”

  “Sex?” He said the one word on a whoosh of air and his entire body stiffened at the possibility of actually extending their physical relationship to the culmination.

  “Sex.” Poppy felt her own nerves tighten at the thought.

  Before Poppy knew what was happening, she’d been picked up in a fireman’s carry, laughing as he practically jogged to the sleeping area. Her stomach bounced on his shoulder until she was back on her feet beside the bed they had reached.

  “Finally!” he said, quickly stripping her of her T-shirt and yoga pants. He had once told her he appreciated that she wore light clothing that was easily removed.

  “Hey, mister, I think I have been very generous in the touchy-feely department, so knock it off.” By this time, her shirt, bra and pants were off. The only thing left was her panties. “And why am I practically naked and you still have all that leather on?”

  Poppy smiled at the look of triumph that Wheaton wore once her clothes were removed. Propping her hands on her hips, she stared at him with a stern face.

  “Because you are beautiful,” he answered, hooking his fingers in her underwear and pulling them down her legs. “And you have been very generous. I appreciate the help with self-pleasuring you have been giving me daily…although when I think about your help I feel the need to self-pleasure again.” He moved his hands quickly, undoing the buckles and zippers on his own outfit. Once he was completely nude, he tugged her to the bed.

  Poppy took a minute to take in all the glory before her. Wheaton was so beautiful. He didn’t seem to have an ounce of fat on his body and his skin was tight over the perfect amount of muscles that graced his frame. Right now she was focusing her attention on his cock though. The past week she had felt it, stroked it, licked and sucked it but she was finally going to be able to feel it fill her. She could almost feel her pussy clench on the empty space she needed him to be in.

  “Speaking of self-pleasuring…did you take the batteries out of my vibrator?” She’d noticed them missing after the second night he’d helped her use it. If he was going to masturbate then by god she was going to do it also.

  “Yes I did. I don’t like that tool. If anything is inside you, I want it to be me. You may use your own fingers but if you want to be filled then I will be the one filling you.”

  Gripping her hips, he pulled her under his body while parting her legs with a knee. So after realizing her toy did more than just buzz, he’d decided to take action and get rid of the competition.

  “Seriously? You seemed to like my vibrator when I let you use it on me…” Parting her legs so he could nestle into the vee of her body, she felt his cock settle against her mound.

  Moving his head down her neck, he breathed in her scent. “I am always serious. And yes, I did enjoy watching the tremors of that piece of plastic drive you crazy. It was only when I realized that you could insert it into a place I had not yet had the privilege to enter did I decide to disable it. Granted, it is nothing compared to my body but it still made me angry at the thought. Can we kiss now for sex? I have been wanting this since I first scented your neck on Earth.” Licking her collarbone and nuzzling her skin, his tongue left a path of warm fire that had her arching into his embrace.

  “Hellz yes. Please continue.”

  Shifting until his arms were under her back, he hooked his hands on the top of her shoulders to hold her steady. Completely under his control, she shivered. She was trapped in his embrace and loved it.

  “Thank you, Poppy. I do not believe you understand how happy this has made me,” he said in a voice that sounded like he would rumble at any moment.

  “I want you, Wheaton. Kiss me already,” she whimpered against his lips.

  All of a sudden his mouth was on hers and she seemed to have no air but was somehow still breathing. There was no way she could keep her eyes open against the onslaught of his mouth. Raising one leg up to rub against the outside of his muscled thigh, she sighed into his kiss.

  Taking the sigh as permission to enter deeper, he tangled his tongue with hers. Plucking at her nipple, he rumbled deep in his chest. “I cannot wait until these are full of milk for our young,” he said against her mouth. The visual apparently excited him so much he started rubbing his hips harder against her. The tip of his cock left a damp trail on Poppy’s stomach as she rubbed back. His skin felt so hot against hers.

  Holy shit, this was amazing. His fingers, his mouth, his everything. Poppy raked her nails lightly down to his muscled ass. Doing some gripping and kneading of her own, she took the moment when he moved his mouth to her breast to gasp for air. Nipping and suckling at her nipples, he took turns going back and forth…apparently not wanting one to get jealous of the other. Poppy glanced down to see him staring at her. He let go of one nipple with a pop
and gently blew air over it, which caused it to get so hard she felt a slight pain prickle the tip. He brought two fingers to his mouth and licked them while still holding her gaze.

  She reached for his hair to drag his mouth back to hers just as his fingers made it to their destination. Parting her sleek folds deftly and circling around her clit, he made a couple steady circles before sliding one finger into her.

  “You are so tight…and hot,” he murmured against her lips, seemingly anxious to finally be able to delve into her depths.

  “May I lick you?” he asked.

  “Fuck yeah.” Poppy groaned, adjusting her body. Her legs opened wider to accommodate his shoulders as he moved down, kissing and licking his way past her stomach and hips.

  Wheaton smiled against her skin. He loved the way Poppy talked. Sometimes she would make up words or say, “Pardon my French” after a tangent, and he thought it was adorable. He had started learning within a few days that “fuck” had many meanings. She used the word almost constantly when she was talking, from times when she stubbed her toe, to when she caught glimpses of him naked.

  Once his mouth reached her pussy, he checked to make sure she was watching him. Wheaton gave her a sexy grin before spreading her lips open with his strong fingers. Nuzzling her clit for a moment before using the tip of his tongue, he pulsed with steady pressure off and on against her nub. He took breaks from the pressure to suckle at it. She leaned her head back and moaned loudly. The taste of her was addictive, making his taste buds crave more. The thought of being able to suckle at her whenever he desired was heady. A vision that pushed him to the edges of his already strained control.

  She gripped the sheets in her sweating fists. Poppy heard herself moaning like a porn star. Wheaton had turned her into a porn star!

  A nip at her outer lips made her jump and she looked down her body at him. His green eyes were watching her closely, almost glowing.